Counterfeits have been flooding the market more than ever before, producing some very convincing replicas that are very hard to tell apart from authentic pairs. Above, is a video from Instagram user @Fake_Educaiton who has provided the community with a very in-depth video detailing the key differences between real and unauthorized pairs of the OVO x Air Jordan 10s.
In summary the main differences between real and fake OVO x Air Jordan 10s are:
1. The Stingray print are much rougher on the fakes. As pictured above, you can see how much smooth the print is on the real pair opposed to the unauthentic pair.
2. A different shade of gold was used on the Jumpman logo on the heel. As you can see the replica pair (pictured above on the left) has a more dull/bronze look to it.
3. The translucent sole and misplaced "OVO" branding are also another key distinction. The photo above (Fakes on the left) show a much different translucent sole and positioning of the "OVO" branding in comparison to the real pair.